TURBIFY (our "domain provider") has wiped my settings and has kept my site down for 11 months and counting. Our URL is https://jubejubenet.jubejubenet.pages.dev to go to the jubejube site you have always loved and visited. We have called TURBIFY twice and they are "working on it" So now I'm working on a workaround until TURBIFY "gets around to it"


jubejubenet was founded in 2006 by a network and Linux specialist with the idea that everything web based for desktops and mobiles could be found in one place, one portal. Due to hosting incompetence, greedy hosts have tried time and time again to force us down, but we will prevail with our legal team at C&CM Legal standing by. It's simple, it's a safe, friendly portal for privacy web search, links to the best e-commerce, and social links to keep you connected, with links to tech to stay ahead of the game online. welcome to jubejubenet!  






site hosts




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